Skin By Pippa James reviews Courtney + The Babes

In store at the Corner Booth we have introduced a beautiful self care range from Courtney and the Babes. Local mum, Pippa James from Skin by Pippa James road tested the products for us, and this is what she had to say:

As a facialist and a busy mum I’m always looking out for effective but easy to use products that feel like heaven and are safe too. C&TB caught my eye on the shelves at Corner Booth and after using it for a few weeks my skin is feeling dewy, hydrated and refreshed. I paired the C&TB Nectar serum with newly popular jade or rose quartz roller, also available at the Corner Booth, completing my routine with a dreamy massage.

Courtney And The Babes at The Corner Booth

Here’s how to create your very own self care face routine, preferably in the evening when your kids are tucked safely up in bed…

• Start by spritzing the air with Cleanse to purify your space
• Apply the Calm roller to the inside of your wrists and at your temples
• Then, with a clean face, apply 3-4 drops of C&TB Nectar serum into the palm of your hands, rub palms gently together to warm the serum and press into your entire face and neck. Take a few deep breaths! As the Nectar is made of Rosehill oil it is is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants helping to target hyper pigmentation, scarring, dehydrated skin, sun damage and wrinkles. So not only do you enjoy a beautiful ritual, it has so many benefits for the skin too.
• Lastly, take your roller and gently roll the serum into your skin. The roller really helps the product penetrate into your skin, adding to the glow. Start at the chin and roll horizontally out to the hairline using a light and comfortable pressure. Move up the face from nose to eyes and forehead, always moving outward from middle of face to hairline. The roller deputes the face and is so relaxing. Alternatively you can use one the Gua Sha stone, known as a natural botox alternative! This takes a bit more practice and there’s definitely a technique so I recommend watching reputable YouTube videos to learn or I can provide a free tutorial when you book a facial with me.

Wellness Products at The Corner Booth Sydney

I’m offering all Corner Booth customers 10% off plus a complimentary lash and brow tint and brow tidy.